WindowBlinds 6.2 Build 44 + 100 Themes
Saturday, August 30, 2008WindowBlinds is a utility for Microsoft Windows XP that enables users to change the look and feel of the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI).Users customize Windows by using visual styles (skins) created for WindowBlinds.With these skins, WindowsBlinds can change the look of:- Title bars- Borders of a window- Task bars- Scrollbars- Start button- Start panel- Menus- Progress animations- Toolbar icons- Explorer Viewsand virtually every other part of Windows!WindowBlinds is the only program that can customize the GUI of WindowsXP without having to alter system DLLs.Skins Includes:* AlienmindII* Alpha OS* Aquarium* Arrow* ArtWork* Avalon Nanosis Vista* Azenis* Azure* Blackan Blue* Caffeine* Candy Coated* CarbonFibre* Christmas Time* Citadel* Copper Deck* CyberSkin* Cyclops* Da Toon* DarkAquaXP* DogmaX* DreamLand* EpsilonII* Espirit* Ex-Pool* FauxS-TOON* FlyOS* Gloss* G-Pod* GT3 OS* h2so4 Standard* Houston Rockets* iFlex* iGlass2SEv1_1* ivory_wb* Joy To The World* K-TEKsteel* Lamina Blue* LaSTCobaltV12c* leather_box* LilacBlinds* liquid2* Longhorn* Luminous* MacPC X* makinarama* Mako5* Matrix_Xtream* Metallic_blue* metalX_v1-5* MoonShadowII* Multipass_Carbon* My Longhorn* Obscurity* Odeon* OSX Panther* QQ2005* ReButz 2* Retro* Rusty Rooster WB5* Schwarz* Seffy Xmas* Seffy* setigreen* sexpistons* Sot Art* sputnikwb* Stealth OS* Stream Line* Subterfuge2003* Terminator 3* Topax* Toucan* transilvania* TriAX* Tronnix* unlighted_wb3* Vista R2 Blizz* Vista XP White* Vistaiynfullandcompact* VistaPlusv2* VistaXP* WBDoublet* Windows Media Player* Windows XP 2006 Facelift* WOW* x360* XBox* XP3d* XP Corona* XP Fashion* XP Home* XP Professional II* XPirate* XPJeans* Zippo* 1-XPGlass* A Touch of Glass 2* A Touch of Glass* A White Christmas* Alien Tech